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What's concerning you?

Counselling for Individuals:  

Clients come for counselling for many different reasons, some of which are listed below,

What's concerning you?


There are a number of types of abuse; sexual, physical, mental and financial..  Often the abuse is carried out by someone we love, or trust and most victims say they themselves felt ashamed, so they kept it a secret or were gaslit.  Financial abuse often occurs between a daughter/son to a elderly parent but just as easy can be between a couple where one takes control of all the monies and does what they want with it.  
Further details can be found here for sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse, and financial abuse.


Dependence on someone can feel like we are 'enslaved', which is why it can be very hard to break. Often, the dependency is a diversion from our negative feelings. Facing these feelings can be extremely difficult as they are often subconscious, and we divert to avoid them. At Serendipity Counselling, we work using a combination of Humanistic and Cognitive Therapy to work through the dependence rather than swapping it for another.


When someone reaches rage and looses their fight for self-control it can feel scary for both parties. The lack of control can feel frustrating and often those who have got angry feeling resentful and embarrassed. Additionally, the other party can feel they are walking on 'egg-shells', treading carefully in an attempt to not upset the person who has anger management issues, resulting in their own needs being un-met. Serendipity Counselling offers help for both those suffering with anger management issues, and those who are impacted by another person having these issues. 


Anxiety can manifest itself in different ways, for instance a health anxiety, social anxiety or generalised anxiety.  When we have anxiety our heart can race, and feel like its pounding through our body. We can feel faint, breathless and want to run away.  Anxiety can stop us socialising, make shopping impossible and leave us trapped in our homes.  It can feel like it will never end and cab cause depression.  Here at Serendipity Counselling we take a relaxed approach, we are even happy to get out into the fresh air and walk if sitting in a room is difficult.


Depression can leave us feeling a whole range of emotions and feelings including sad, hopeless and empty, with small activities such as getting out of bed in the morning feeling impossible. Depression impacts different people in different ways, with some 'high-functioning' and able to disguise it, (taking all of our energy), and others overwhelmed and needing solitude. Serendipity Counselling can help those who are experiencing depression, as well as those who have a loved one who is depressed, and are seeking help in how best to approach them.  

Passive Aggression

A passive aggressive person feels angry on the inside but unable to express this outwardly. Often they then go into behaviours as a result of this inability to express themselves. These behaviours can include simple things like agreeing to do something and then failing to follow through, taking a long time on tasks to provoke their partner or loved one and listening and appearing to understand a problem but continuing to do it. Serendipity Counselling can help address those who are passive aggressive, as well as those who have someone in their life who is passive aggressive. 



When we use the words Post Traumatic Stress Disorder people will often, quite rightly, think of our heroic military coming home from battle.  PTSD can also occur following an abusive childhood, near death experience or something that was terrifying.  It can manifest in flashbacks, fear, anger, shame, self destructive behaviour and shutting down your ability to feel.

Suicidal thoughts

If you are experiencing Suicidal Thoughts please contact The Samaritans on telephone number 116 123. 

We offer private counselling with early appointments if you feel like you want to arrange counselling.  The most important thing to remember is you are not alone the Samaritans are there to help. 24/7 


Bullying sadly occurs on a very regular basis.  It can leave someone feeling ostracized   victimised, lonely, humiliated and anxious.  Bullying can occur in the work place, at a club, parents outside the school gates, in fact anywhere and in the beginning it can be hard to recognise as we tell ourselves its just banter. Its important to empower yourself and find boundaries to stop this happening.  


OCD has two components the Obsessions and the Compulsion.  The Obsessions are when you have unwanted urges, visions or thoughts which can leave you feeling extremely anxious. The Compulsion is to alleviate the Obsession which leaves a person temporarily okay, for instance checking the door, or cleaning the table or repeated saying something.  

Self Confidence 

Low Self Confidence is when you find it hard to have belief in yourself or your abilities. Just as having self-confidence can be the fuel to success, a lack of it will leave a person feeling unsuccessful.  Like a vicious cycle, the negative feelings spiral downwards with each new negative experience adding to the low confidence.  Making changes and challenging is hard. Low self esteem is usually based on finding self respect, and here at Serendipity Counselling we can help you to discover this in yourself. 


Dating can already feel like a minefield, and this has only got more difficult with Covid 19 preventing us from meeting new people. Serendipity Counselling has helped countless people at various stages of their life with dating, including who feel ready to commit to a serious relationship following more casual encounters, those ready to date for the first time following a relationship breakdown, and those who need to work on themselves and their own issues before going out into the dating world. Whether you are 25 or 95, Serendipity Counselling can and will help.

Eating Disorders

Serendipity Counselling has experience with most eating disorders, including anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, avoidant/restrictive food intake and laxative abuse. We also have vast experience with clients making the decision to have a lifestyle change following a desire to lose weight, and have helped them through this journey. 


Gender dysphoria is the feeling that your body is in the wrong gender skin.  "When my sister went out I used to wear her clothes and use her make up as a teenager, I didn't understand and felt ashamed and carried on with what appeared a 'normal' life but I bought clothes and kept it a secret. I have a wife and teenage children and am scared that they may discover my secret"


Estrangement can be difficult for both the parties. Whether you have made the decision to leave, or have been left, it can cause immense anxiety and both parties can have concerns around becoming close to the person again, feeling lonely, embarrassment due to the estrangement, isolation or feeling judged. Serendipity Counselling has vast experience in helping client's to navigate this difficult situation.


When we loose someone we love, whether a family member, friend or pet it can leave you erupting with different emotions and feelings as you go through the grieving process.  We can feel numb, disbelief, blame, bargaining, depression, anger, bargaining, disbelieve, anger, depression, numb, anger, blame, numb, depression, anger, blame ACCEPTANCE and sometimes we get stuck.  Especially when friends avoid you, or you feel like you are burdoning them. 


When we experience sexual harassment we can find ourselves feeling very compromised.  The perpetrator often has some power over us, for instance, in a work situation, so we keep quiet through fear of losing our job or being overlooked for promotion.  In a friendship group we can fear not being believed or ostrasized.   We can fear telling our partner incase he thinks we somehow encouraged it so instead we keep it a secret.


The word 'stalker' is often used jokingly as we describe viewing someone's social media without them knowing, but the true meaning of "stalking" is 'following and/or contacting someone in an annoying or frightening fashion'. This can be through emails, phone calls and standing outside the victims home or workplace. Victims of stalking can be left feeling constantly anxious, helpless and afraid, and these feelings can continue long after the stalking has ended. 

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Fertility Concerns

Infertility can be a source of sadness and despair for many individuals and couples. These struggle can become very difficult to deal with, especially when faced with having to make important, life-changing decisions about your future based on them. Additionally, fertility treatments such as IVF can become very psychologically draining for both individuals and couples, so counselling is an opportunity to discuss some of these worries. 

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PCOS or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is experienced by 1 in 10 women in the UK, and can be a cause of worry and stress for many reasons. The symptoms and implications of PCOS can be difficult to manage alone, and is often discussed with counsellors. 

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Going through the menopause can be a rehabilitating experience, and can be a difficult transition in a female's life. The drop in hormones can cause depression, anxiety and panic attacks  and sometimes physical issues of hair weight and hot flushes. Many of our clients have found that coming for counselling at this period of their life has been life-changing. 

Relationship endings

When we experience a relationship breakup, whether we anticipated it, or it was a total shock, we usually begin a grieving process, the thing to keep in mind is grief usually ends with a true acceptance.  Think back to any endings you have experienced in your life, we just have to hold on through what may feel like a nightmare cont...


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